7-9 Nov 2024 – Venue – 6 Credit hours from TNMC

Schedule pdf

Rapid review of Basic sciences


SEMI is organizing a rapid revision workshop to help you revise Basic sciences effectively. It’ll be an online webinar. The schedule comprises 50 topics specially curated to master your exams.

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We have limited it to – only 1 seat per order. Each person needs to book with their email ID which will be given access to Zoom meeting
(Double entries will not be allowed in the meeting. Only 1 device will be in).


Topics list

Timings are tentative.

8am-9amCerebral AutoregulationDr Santhosham
8am-9amHand – Nerve AnatomyDr Ashwati
8am-9amTriage Guidelines in your EDDr Narmada
8am-9amCranial nerve examinationDr Prashanth
9am-10amCardiac action potentialDr Yasaswini
9am-10amBells palsy and UMN Vs LMN lesionsDr Sudhakar Reddy
9am-10amvisual field defects and clinical significanceDr Saranya
9am-10amCircle of Willis and clinical significanceDr Shrithika Patil
10am-11amHypersensitivity ReactionsDr Ashok Kumar L
10am-11amTetanus prophylaxis and pathogenesisDr Malaya Kumar Mishra
10am-11amFrank Starling relationshipDr Dixit Bojja
10am-11amMean Arterial PressureDr Shruthi
10am-11amRabies post exposure prophylaxisDr Shanmukh Bhavirisetty
11am-12pmECMODr John Paul
11am-12pmLactic acidosisDr Ashish Ponnuri
11am-12pmVaugn William classification of antiarrhythmicsDr Shwetha Ashok
11am-12pmShock classification and pathophysiologyDr Farzin Vajifdar
12pm-1pmThrombocytopeniaDr Mehul Gajjar
12pm-1pmPathophysiology of DengueDr Aslesha
12pm-1pmCSF analysis – Viral vs bacterial meningitisDr Joshua Vijay
12pm-1pmDKA pathophysiologyDr Suryateja Rudraraju
1pm-2pmPopliteal fossa and clinical significanceDr Ramu
1pm-2pmInfection control practices in EDDr Talha Hussain
1pm-2pmWound Healing pathophysiologyDr Avishek Chatterjee
1pm-2pmCoagulation cascadeDr Susmeet Mishra
2pm-3pmAdrenal gland physiologyDr Sai Saranya
2pm-3pmPAT in paediatricsDr Kesha Mankad
2pm-3pmAirway anatomy Adult Vs PediatricDr Om Pratik Sahoo
2pm-3pmGrevious Injuries and Wound certificate ImportanceDr Saravanavel A
3pm-4pmRenin Angintensin Aldosterone System (RAAS)Dr Hariharan
3pm-4pmAdrenergic receptorsDr Tejasvi Sparsh
3pm-4pmProcedural Sedation DrugsDr Imran Shareef
3pm-4pmLocal anesthesia toxicityDr Nivetha
4pm-5pmCo oximetry clinical significanceDr Ahmed YH
4pm-5pmOxygen Dissociation curveDr Praneeth Oladri
4pm-5pmLung volumes and clinical significanceDr Safiuddin Ghazi
4pm-5pmCapnographyDr Sunil
4pm-5pmHaldane effectDr Attish Garg
5pm-6pmAcid Base regulation by kidneyDr Mahesh Mylarappa
5pm-6pmNon invasive ventillationDr Rupjyoti Das
5pm-6pmRandomised Control TrialDr Waseem Ahmed
5pm-6pmIJV and Sub clavian anatomy | venous accessDr Keshava Balaji
6pm-7pmReversal causes and treatment in ACLSDr Suhas Sagar
6pm-7pmHyperkalemic effects on ECGDr Vindhya
6pm-7pmAKI classification and Indications for emergency dialysisDr Adarsh Nath
6pm-7pmAnatomical zones of the neckDr Phanindra Mahavadi
7pm-8pmBasics of ECGDr Ashish Salim
7pm-8pmNTproBNP clinical significanceDr Misbahuddin Habib
7pm-8pmCricothyrotomyDr Amareshwar reddy
7pm-8pmBURNS classification and percentage calculationDr Salman